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Theatre Specs

Arlington Theatre - Theatre Specifications

1317 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA

The historic Arlington Theatre, built in the mission revival style and beautifully restored, seats over 2,000.
Its atmospheric interior contains faux-Spanish villas and a ceiling filled with twinkling stars.

Technical Specifications

Stage Dimensions and Facilities
Proscenium opening: 49’10” wide, 27’ high, 37’ deep (apron to back wall)
Main curtain line to back wall: 30’6”
Stage width: 73’ wing to wing
Height to grid: 55’10”
Number of lines in counterweight: 32
Position of pin rail: Stage right
Loading door: Rear wall center
House lights: Stage right
3 sets of fixed work lights over stage
Size of wing area: Stage left 10’6”, stage right 13’6”
Main curtain: Up/down traveler (combo)
1 motion picture screen: 46’ x 20’
Projection throw distance: 165’
Light bridge downstage over orchestra pit will accept up to 12 instruments
Orchestra pit is curved: 48’ wide x 15’ at center reducing to 8’ at ends
Pit floor to deck: 6’5.5”
Pit floor to auditorium floor. 3’1.5”
Organ lift: 6’ x 7’4” located in center of orchestra pit

Auxiliary Power

Located far downstage right, 15’ down to hook up
4-3 phase cam-10k landings broken at 225 amps
1 set of buss bars broken at 600 amps
Total amperage/or all auxiliary power is 600 amps, 3 phase

House Lighting Truss

Front Light position over the audience 50ft truss operated by three 1 ton chain motors
On stage three 40ft trusses operated by two 1 ton chain motors each
Rep hang is twelve 19-degree Source Four ERS controlled by a 12 channel. two-scene console

Soft Goods

4 sets of black legs & borders
2 stage blackout curtains
1 black traveler, moveable
1 grand drape

Dressing rooms:

Located off stage left
1 star dressing room (w/ private shower and bathroom)
Lower level: 2 chorus rooms
Second level: 5 small rooms with wash basins, 2 bathrooms, 1 shower
Ground level: 2 small rooms with wash basins, 2 bathrooms
Total capacity: approximately 61

The Arlington Theatre Stage Specs - revised


Arlington Theatre - rigging layout

The Arlington has no loading bridge; suggested maximum load perpipe is 500 lbs.
Limited rigging is availablefrom structural steel well beams.

Set # From Plaster Arbor Size Description Moveable
Fire Curtain 4” NA NA No
One 12” NA Main Curtain No
Two 2’3” 10’ Empty  
Three 2’1’ 10’ Empty  
Four 4’3” 10’ Stage Worklights No
Five 5’3” 7’ Screen Masking Yes
Six 5’7” 6’ Legs Yes
Seven 6’6” 8’ Title Curtain No
Eight 78” 10’ Screen Frame No
Nine 9’5” 12’ Orchestra Shell No
Ten 10’1” 7’ Empty  
Eleven 10’5” 7’ Empty  
Twelve 10’8” 6’ Empty  
Thirteen 12’1” 8’ Border Yes
Fourteen 12’9” 6’ Legs Yes
Fifteen 13’8” 6’ Empty  
Sixteen 14’10” 10’ CycLights Yes
Seventeen 16’1” 6’ Empty  
Eighteen 16’11” 7’ Empty  
Nineteen 17’11” 10’ Stage Work lights No
Twenty 19’4” 6’ Empty  
Twenty-one 19’10” 6’ Legs Yes
Twenty-two 20’7” 6’ Traveler Yes
Twenty-three 22’4” 10’ Orchestra Shell No
Twenty-four 23’ 7’ Empty  
Twenty-five 23’6” 8’ Empty  
Twenty-six 24’3” 8’ Stage Work lights No
Twenty-seven 25’10” 6’ Empty  
Twenty-eight 26’8” 6’ Empty  
Twenty-nine 273” 7’ White Cyclorama Yes
Thirty 28’ 9’ Empty  
Thirty-one 28’11” 6’ Empty  
Thirty-two 29’1’ 6’ Empty  


Download The Arlington Theatre Stage Specifications PDF


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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street