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Brie Larson 2014

SBIFF Centerpiece Film: 2/7; Outstanding Performers Award: 2/8

Sunday, February 7 - Centerpiece Film: KNIGHT OF CUPS

Monday, February 8 - Brie Larson and Saoirse Ronan will receive the Outstanding Performers of the Year Award, moderated by Pete Hammond.


Sunday, February 7: Centerpiece Film - Knight of Cups

On Sunday, February 7th, Terrance Malick’s experiential KNIGHT OF CUPS will have its US Premiere at the Arlington Theatre as the festival’s Centerpiece Film. The highly anticipated film stars Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Frieda Pinto, Isabel Lucas, Imogen Poots, Wes Bentley, Brian Dennehy and Teresa Palmer, among others. 

Monday, February 8: Outstanding Performers of the Year Award

SBIFF is proud to present the 2016 Outstanding Performers of the Year award to both Brie Larson and Saoirse Ronan on Monday February 8. This is the first time the award will be given to two honorees. Both Larson and Ronan had previously been awarded the festival’s Virtuoso Award, in 2014 and 2010 respectively. The duo will be celebrated for their remarkable performances in Room and Brooklyn.


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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street