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Rachel Maddow

An Afternoon With Rachel Maddow

Sunday, October 07, 2012, 03:00pm

An Afternoon With Rachel Maddow

 "Commentary laden with dashes of humor and flashes of wonkish prose but free of righteous rant." Variety

Rachel Maddow is the funny, "whip-smart" (Time magazine) host of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show.  The hit Emmy-winning TV program features her takes of the biggest stories of the day - political and otherwise - including lively, respectful debate with guests from all sides of the issues, in-depth analysis and stories found nowhere else on cable news.  Don't miss this rare public appearance by one of America's most influential commentators on the political scene.

Books will be available for purchase and signing

photo Bill Phelps

Sunday, October 07, 2012

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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street