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Former Vice President Joe Biden

Saturday, October 21, 2017, 04:00pm

47th U.S. Vice President

An Afternoon with

Joe Biden

Sat, Oct 21 / 4 PM

“Two terms as vice president have confirmed the essential goodness, if not greatness, of this man.” The New Republic

 “The best vice president America has ever had… A lion of American history.” – Former U.S. President Barack Obama

A lifelong public servant, former Vice President Joe Biden’s career has been defined by his commitment to equality of opportunity, global cooperation, human health and violence prevention, as well as his spirit of acceptance and bipartisanship. Twice elected to serve with President Barack Obama, Biden played an important role in addressing the debt ceiling crisis and creating new jobs in a time of significant unemployment. He worked on ongoing critical issues including middle-class living standards, gun violence, violence against women and the battle against cancer. Before Obama left office, he awarded Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom, bestowed “with distinction,” a rare honor.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

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