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Events Calendar

Dr. Andrew Weil

Dr. Andrew Weil

Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 08:00pm

Dr. Andrew Weil

Wednesday, November 16 @ 8pm

General Public $38.00 - $53.00
UCSB Students $23.00

Spontaneous Happiness and Why Our Health Matters

“Dr. Andrew Weil is an extraordinary phenomenon.” The Washington Post

Dubbed “The Father of Integrative Medicine,” Dr. Andrew Weil is one of the world’s leaders in rethinking how we use plants, mind/body interactions and nutrition to heal our bodies and improve our quality of life. In his new book, Spontaneous Happiness, Weil redefines the notion of happiness and demonstrates the limitations of the biochemical model of mental health. He stresses integrative treatment strategies that promote emotional wellness. As the author of six New York Times bestselling books and author of a monthly column in Prevention Magazine, Weil’s pioneering spirit and infectious passion has changed the practice of medicine and made him the leading resource for healthy living. He will address what has gone wrong with the American health care system and posit a realistic new model of medicine and health care delivery.

Books will be available for purchase and signing

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street