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Robin Williams

17 February 2009
  • Written by
    David Palermo
  • Photographed by
    A. Arthur Fisher

Robin WilliamsAcademy Award winner Robin Williams new stand up comedy show called Weapons of Self Destruction came to Santa Barbara on February 11.

Time flew as he cracked joke after joke and joke. He went on non-stop about everything from political figures, the economy, sex, rehab etc... to jokes about Santa Barbara... There wasn't a dry eye in the house when he was finished. One interesting thing is that he seemed to do his research about Santa Barbara because at the beginning of his show he joked a lot about how we're not really hit hard by the current economy - as a result of our economy lately we now have "only 2 gardeners rather than 3." At one point he forgot the name of the Arlington but quickly recovered when an audience member shouted out the name.

Robin WilliamsThe show flowed almost perfectly. There were no pauses to let anyone catch their breath and compose their distorted-from-laughing-so- hard faces. It was a good thing the lights were turned down because I am sure everyone's faces looked hilarious from all the laughing going on! My cheeks are still sore two days later.

There were a couple of jokes that didn't seem appropriate but luckily they were very few.

He didn't spare himself either. After poking fun at George Bush, Barack Obama. and Sarah Palin, Williams who is a recently reformed alcoholic and cocaine user mentioned how he went to rehab in Napa, CA (wine country) he says, "just to keep my options open." Robin  WilliamsBoth Republicans and Democrats were targets. Referencing Sarah Palin he said, "Don't you imagine Bill Clinton at home going, "Where was she when I was in office!?"

What was also amazing was his energy level. He's 57 and is very animated and expressive during the whole time he was on stage - nearly 2 hours. He really uses his whole body in his act. I am now wondering what was in his 6 or so bottles of water he drank and splashed around on stage!?

He performed like a seasoned maestro starting sort of mildly at a beginning of his performance and carefully building to the hyRobin Williamssterical climax (multiple!) I didn't know how he could top himself at various points in the show but he always did. No one stopped laughing.

He said goodnight and thanked us all and gave our contorted faces a rest but before we knew it he was back onstage for a brief but funny encore.

If you get a chance GO SEE THIS SHOW and you too can go back to the dawn of creation to learn about the process and logic behind the "Intelligent Design of the human sexual apparatus." Then put your cheek muscles in traction for a week to let them heal from laughing so hard.

Robin WilliamsBe prepared, in his show there is no such thing as political correctness about any topic.

My take on William's act is that the sole purpose of his show is to hurt your face, back, and lungs by making you laugh! He succeeded. I walk down State Street and can tell which people came to William's show. They are the ones walking funny from the pain they are still experiencing from laughing so hard...

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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street