Today's Movie

Snow White (2025)
Adventure |
Family |
Fantasy |
Musical |
IMDB Rating: 1.9/10 (78,711 user ratings) 50 | Rank: 2
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![]() Dancing With the Stars: LIVE 2025! Thu Apr 03 @ 7:30PM Category: Dance/Ballet |
Wallows Pleases
Written byStaff
Photographed byA. Arthur Fisher

It was a warm Saturday night, and The Arlington Theater was full of screaming old girls and young women, holding their breath to see Indie-popers, Wallows as they kicked off their international tour. The last time Wallows played in Santa Barbara, they were at the Velvet Jones, a much smaller venue. Few audience members admitted to seeing that show, probably due to Velvet's minimum age requirement of 18 years to enter. Also from LA, Wallice (not Wallows) opened the show.